How to Activate Hong Kong Service on China Mobile Guangdong Numbers ? 

Your Question about Hong Kong service : As a former China Mobile customer living in Shenzhen and  frequently visiting Hong Kong there was a very useful and much appreciated code among my friends where we could text a code to 10086 and receive very economical daily service while in Hong Kong.  When we returned home to Shenzhen we sent another SMS coded message back to 10086 to terminate the service. However, I can no longer remember the code.  Would you be kind enough to remind me ?  For Macao the codes were for "on" BLMCRTC and for "off" QXMXRTC. Thank you for your help.

All Citie SIM Cards in Guangdong can apply this Hong Kong Service

Service Charges and Call Rates

1. Daily Function Fee: 2.9 yuan / day.

2. Call Rates When You are in Hong Kong 

(The following prices are all-inclusive price):

  • Call Local Hong Kong Numbers: 0.39 yuan / minute
  • Call Mainland China Numbers: 0.69 yuan / minute
  • Call Macau: 1.29 yuan / minute
  • Call Taiwan: 1.29 yuan / minute
  • Make International Calls: 9.9 yuan / minute
  • All incoming calls: 0 yuan / minute

  • Send SMS to Other China Mainland Numbers: 0.19 yuan / message
  • Send SMS to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Other Countries / Operators Numbers: 1.09 yuan / message
  • Receiving SMS is free 


The call charge is per minute basis.

How to Apply

  •   Activation: texting BLHKRTC to 10086
  •   Cancellation: texting QXHKRTC to 10086
  •   Checking Status: texting CXHKRTC to 10086


After sending the message, please pay attention to 10086 reply message content.


The customer must activate this service in the mainland. Before the activation, please make sure that you have activated international call feature and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan long distance capabilities. If you did after you arrive Hong Kong, when you received a success notification message, please call Hong Kong free customer service hotline 22117888 to confirm whether the service can be used normally. And you can manually select the network of China Mobile Hong Kong (formerly Peoples), etc., in order to activate the trigger location update service.

Principles and deductions take effect time:

1. Activation: Take effect within 24 hours, the service comes into effect on the same day to deduct a daily fee. As long as you don't cancel it, the fee deduction is on a daily basis.

2. Cancellation: Take effect immediately, there is no daily fee charge on the next day.

Special Note: Hong Kong service packages vary in different cities due to individual market business rules. 

How to Make Calls in Hong Kong

  • Dial local phone numbers directly.
  • Call China mainland mobile number: 00186 and a mobile phone number or "+" 86 and a mobile phone number
  • Call China mainland fixed number: 00186 area code and a fixed number or "+" 86 area code and a fixed number
  • International calls: dial 001 country code, area code and a phone number or "+" country code  area code and a phone number 
  • Send SMS to China mainland mobile number: 0086 and a mobile number or "+" 86 and a mobile phone number

Hong Kong Service Number:

24 - Hour Service Hotline: 22117888 in Hong Kong (toll free from your China Mobile number). China Mobile Hong Kong network (formerly People).

More Read

Hong Kong SIM Card

China Mobile Service Guide

China Mobile Roaming SIM Card

China Hong Kong 2 in 1 SIM Card

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