Japan Data SIM Card

With a Japan data SIM card, you get the use of data 3GB to 15GB in Japan at a fixed price. Perfect for iPad, tablet or other devices to avoid roaming charges when visiting Japan.

Japan Data SIM

item no. 9-10   3 GB (7 days): $59.00
               15 GB (30 days): $79.00

order Japan Data SIM Card

Japanese Data SIM Card Product Details:

3G Speed

Frequency: Standard 3G/2100Mhz (WCDMA)

Japan Coverage

There is no support for voice calls on the SIM card.

Data SIM Card Setting:

Most smart phones or other devices will be installed automatically with the completion of the SIM card of mobile internet access point settings

If no automatic setup information, please manually configure access points directly to the following steps: 

The APN is "3GNET". Leave user name, and password as blank. 

SIM Card Validity:

There are two types of the SIM card. The first is that each prepaid SIM card for Japan is valid for use 7 days from the day you start using it. There is a limit of 3 GB (3072 MB) . The second is that each prepaid SIM card for Japan is available for use 30 days from the day you start using it. There is a limit of 15 GB (15260 MB).


a) Delivery of your Japan Data SIM Card is FREE to you in main cities in China. 5-6 business days delivery to your hotel/hostel in China to be awaiting you upon your arrival. Before the SIM Pack dispatching, we call hotels or other delivery destinations to make sure the pack kept upon you arriving. 

If you wish to have the SIM card delivered elsewhere, please choose a delivery option below. 

b) 7 business days delivery in U.S.A.or Canada (via Fedex or others): $45.00

c) 9 business days delivery in Western Europe, Australia or Japan (via Fedex or others): $45.00

d) Estimated 20 days delivery in U.S.A., Canada, Western Europe, Australia or Japan (via Postal Service Air Mail): $2.85

e) Estimated 4 weeks delivery in the rest of the world (via Postal Service Air Mail): $2.85 

Customer Service

Customer Service can be contacted while in China.

Call our phone number 021-51097153 from your mobile phone or from any normal phone (landline) if you are in China. If you are in overseas, please call 86-21- 51097153.

  • From Mon.-Fri. 8:30am - 6:00pm
  • After hours service on (86) 13916830892
  • We will be happy to assist you in English. 

    More Service for Your Asia Trip:

    China & Hong Kong SIM Card (voice and data)

    China Data SIM Card (data only)

    Hong Kong Data SIM Card (data only)

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